Tony Lindsay is a world-renowned vocalist, celebrated for his 25-year tenure with Santana, where he earned 11 Grammy Awards. As the voice behind several of Santana's iconic albums, including Supernatural and Shaman, Tony has captivated audiences worldwide through extensive tours and unforgettable performances.
Beyond his work with Santana, Tony boasts an impressive career as a solo artist, songwriter, and collaborator. He has written songs for legends like The Whispers and Tevin Campbell and contributed as a background vocalist to artists such as Aretha Franklin, Stevie Wonder, and Curtis Mayfield. His solo discography includes Different Moods, The Message is Love, Tony Lindsay, Memoirs, and Something Beautiful.
A versatile performer, Tony continues to engage audiences at festivals, local venues, and major sporting events, often singing the national anthem for teams like the Golden State Warriors and San Francisco Giants. Whether fronting his own projects like Spangalang or collaborating with The Ray Charles Project, Tony’s soulful voice and magnetic stage presence solidify his place as a musical legend.